Wednesday, December 1, 2021


  The Diffusion Theory originated in communication to explain how overtime an idea or product gains momentum and spreads through a specific population. The end result of the "diffusion" is when someone starts using an idea or product they start becoming obsessed with it and their behavior encourages them to keep using the idea or product. 

In class, we learned about Diffusion of Innovations and the different steps of the process to be fully "adopted" to the product. As learned in class, Adoption means that someone does something differently then they had done previously, like purchasing a new product. When products become universally popular, everyone seems to follow the trend and purchase the product just like other people. For example, when I received my first Apple product, the iPod shuffle, when I was 9 or 10 years old I have continued to use their products 11 years later because the product has been innovated from each updated product. I would consider myself an early adopter because I started using Apple products many years ago and I have owned almost every one of their products. If I started out using Samsung products as a kid, I am positive that I would continue using their products because I would have been used to that technology.

Those who are "late adopters" are skeptical of change. They will choose to adopt, or start using a product once it has been tried by the majority. People of this population will only be convinced to start using a product if the majority says that they have tried the innovation and it has been successful. The ones who are not adopters at all are called "Laggards." This group is very skeptical of change and the most difficult to bring on board to a new product. Laggards will take a while to adopt onto a new product because they are used to tradition and dislike change in their use of products. I feel that being a Laggard can have negative consequences because they don't know the product or idea unless they try it out. They have become accustomed to a certain idea or product that they are unwilling to change their usual tradition by not using it.

I believe that those who don't use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. have become accustomed to it. Since these platforms have been popular for such a long period of time they believe that there is no point on using it now since they have been perfectly fine without it. There is nothing wrong with not using these social media platforms because its a certain way of life that takes a while to become accustomed to and can become addicting. If I didn't own an iPhone or if I wasn't on any social media at this point I feel I would have no point on having it because it wouldn't have any purpose. Since my generation is accustomed to social media and new technology, I have become used to it and have continued to use it.

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